D KAJ Tax & Financial Corp. | Sole-Proprietor

Our Services


You’re excited to start your own business but not so excited about the forms you need to fill in to get it up and running. Registering a sole proprietorship in Ontario can be difficult, time-consuming, and confusing. We’ll help you address the following:

Is a sole proprietorship right for you?

Is a sole proprietorship right for you? If you plan to be the only member of your business (gig economy businesses are prime examples) you can file your small business income as part of your personal taxes. This avoids the additional expense of complex corporate tax paperwork and filing fees.

Registering your business name

If you have a unique business name (ie. not your own name and not the name that’s taken by another company), then you’ll have to register it with the tax authorities. Don’t worry. We can help!

Governmental paperwork

Even though all forms are now online, it doesn’t make all the mundane box filling any easier. Once again, we can help with forms and filing.

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